- RTH - 2020
January 14, 2020 - February 18, 2020
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
In 2016, I was diagnosed with PTSD as a result of my child being diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. As you often hear, I was a touched relieved that there was something to distinguish what I was going through and possibly treatment options to help me heal. I wrongfully assumed that once you asked for help; help would be easy to access. During the white-knuckling 9 months it took for me to find the proper treatment – I learned that this was, in fact, not true. This program is created to help individuals gain access and awareness to treatment modalities that have helped myself and so many others.
As I began to unpack and heal I would come to many realizations the biggest being that with healing came a challenging Recovery period. Not only was I healing from the PTSD…. there were other traumas in my life that had caused diet addiction, exercise bulimia, co-dependance, disordered eating, perfectionism… to name a few. In the work that I do and have done – I have come to realize that most of us are recovering from something; and we all have our demons of how we choose to cope.
In 2016, my body and my brain and mostly my soul begged me to stop and I was forced to do that work that my coping mechanisms had helped me avoid…. truly healing. I won’t lie; it’s been messy, and dark and lonely, and magical and serendipitous … and back to messy again. But I am truly at a point where I can say I have found a baseline that I can work with.
Why am I telling you this now? Because you might be like me. Knowing that you are meant for something more and you’re held back by how you feel about yourself, maybe it’s your body, your weight, your anxiety, your depression, your family, (insert any other variables here that make life difficult) …. and you know deep down that you want to stop trying to fill the void with whatever you try to fill the void with (food, alcohol, drugs, shopping, relationships, etc… ). You are ready to learn to put yourself and your physical and mental well-being first.
I don’t have all of the answers. I wouldn’t be typing this right now if I did. But I do know that I am on the right track and I do know that starting a diet or program with a 5% rate of success on January 1st is not the answer. What we all need is to learn to take care of our WHOLE selves.
What I don’t have all the answers to I have found the people that can help us…
Please join me in January for a “Resolution To Heal”. A program in it’s 3rd year of programming – specifically designed for all of us to finally overcome our blocks to self-compassion and care and tune into your WHOLE health based on how you FEEL. Not on how you look, a number on a scale, the people in your lives, the things you own. A program designed to learn more about yourself through Yoga and the healing modalities that have helped me. A program to help you see that YOU are ENOUGH.
Our program will run weekly starting January 14th to February 18th, 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Every week our session will be different. Yoga, sharing circles, special guests (Healthcare Professionals and/or Healers). We will talk with Body Image Experts, Therapists, Physiotherapists and Sound Healers and my humble little offering of Yoga.
List of Speakers:
Weekly Yoga Sessions with Kelly Tibbets of Love|Yoga|Grade
Tessa Van Oene – Weber Physiotherapy
Kristen Adolphson – Essential Rhythm Wellness
Coleen MacKay – RD Nutrition
Breck Harris & Kurt Hanson – Mud & Lotus
6 week series from January 14th to February 18th, 2020
Tuesdays, 7:00 to 8:30.
Investment: ONLY $155.00 plus GST