- DEEP Sleep
January 12, 2020 - February 23, 2020
7:15 pm - 8:15 pm
Set the tone for your busy week ahead with a delicious Yin & Nidra practice; designed to assist your restless brain and body; postures included will be specifically targeting your nervous system and body tissue to encourage and assist your Sleep.
Yin Yoga is no ordinary Yoga. Postures held for long periods of time, up to 4 minutes. The long, passive holds benefit the parasympathetic nervous system (our rest and digest system) and, the fascia (deepest layer of soft tissue). The greatest benefit is an opportunity to remove yourself from your over-stimulating life – even for just an hour.
This 60-minute class is capped off by 15-minute session of Nidra yoga. This guided meditation, sometimes referred to as “conscious sleep” brings you to a state between wakefulness and sleep The class ends in blissful, relaxed silence.
- an option to register for the class prior to this “Yoga STRONG” is available. Start 2020 off with a head-to-toe Sunday fitness regimen!