- March 1, 2018 - April 5, 2018
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Beautiful you. You did it…. you dug deep and began making a commitment to your healing. And? It’s working… You’re feeling the shift but you know there’s more to uncover.
In 2017 I realized I could not no longer ignore the root causes of my pain; PTSD from a having a child diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, disordered eating, exercise bulimia, and diet addiction. I was determined to change the patterns of my life and truly begin to let myself be who I was meant to be.
In our first series of “Resolution To Heal” we examined the root cause of where we are at. We created sustainable changes in our daily lives to begin healing and we connected with the right healers to help us with this.
What’s next? Finding Grace… It’s time to amalgamate all that we are learning and search out for tools that will keep us in this new energy we have created. This new energy is no longer about hustle, and pushing and self-sacrifice. Now we must learn to operate with self-compassion, radically accepting where we have been and who we are now. Being unkind to ourselves got us nowhere; and most of the time left us in a far worse condition. We can keep doing the work… but we don’t have to do it alone.
If you’re like me – and you know that you are meant for something more? This program is for you. If you’re like me and feel a little lost about where to start? This program is for you. If you’re like me and you’re so ready to feel connected to yourself; body mind and soul. This program is for you. If you know for sure that learning to put your physical and mental well-being first needs to be a priority. This program is for you.
Our first session of Resolution To Heal is NOT a prerequisite. You can come as you are, right where you are.
Resolution To Heal – Finding Grace is the second instalment in a program designed for all of us to finally overcome our blocks to self-compassion and care and tune into your WHOLE health based on how you FEEL. A program designed to learn more about yourself through Yoga and the healing modalities that have helped me.
Our program will run weekly starting March 1st, from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. Every week our session will begin with group discussion and different healing modalities. We will dig deeper into Yoga practice with breath work and Chakra healing, we will enjoy crystal bowl meditations, drumming circles, Yin Yoga and more…
Investment: ONLY $135.00 plus GST
list of presenters:
Weekly Yoga Sessions with Kelly Tibbets of Love|Yoga|Grace
Little Lights Yoga – Yin Yoga
Essential Rhythm Wellness – drumming circle
The Crystal Ranch (Shelley Streit) – Crystal Bowl Meditation
Living Well Massage & Raindrop Therapy – AromaYoga