- April 21, 2018
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
I’ve been “Discovering” Yoga for about 10 years now and I wanted to create something that showed people how Yoga is so much more than the postures, so much more than “positive thinking” and a very important tool for managing stress, anxiety, and enriching your life in ways you never imagined.
The afternoon will begin with sharing my experience with Yoga past, present and where I see it in my future. I want to help overcome the Instagram/Lulu Lemon perfection you may think Yoga is… you don’t have to be slim, extra-bendy, vegan or even ultra-spiritual to enjoy the benefits of Yoga.
This Workshop will include a 60 to 75 minute Gentle Hatha class – totally beginner friendly. Throughout the practice; you will be offered modifications to work with your body and the benefits of each pose will be described.
After our yoga sesh I will share with you some “tip-of-the-iceberg” information about our Chakras including some tips on how to keep Chakras aligned and functioning at their optimum levels.
We will skim over the Yamas & Niyamas next; these are described as the 10 Ethical Guidelines of Yoga – this is where we move beyond a physical practice and explore how Yoga can affect all that you do every breath of everyday. Again, my desire is to present this information based on how it came into my life and how I have applied it to our modern lifestyle; particularly for women – you know the whole perfection pressure, judgment of self and others, the days we throw sippy cups in fits of frustration (I personally haven’t done that for awhile… because yoga… and my kids are too old for sippy cups) …. and so we learn to breathe…
We will end the day with an introduction to Pranayama (learning how breath awareness and regulation can control your vital energy, you know, so you throw sippy cups less) AND a restorative Yoga Nidra.
Finally, you will receive weekly e-mails with deeper information and to encourage supportive conversation between you and I about what you are Discovering/Uncovering!
There are two options available to you:
1. Workshop = $77.00
2. Workshop and Unlimited Yoga from April 21 to May 21 = $111.00
April 21, 2018 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm