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- Beginner Yoga
January 11, 2023 - February 15, 2023
9:30 am - 10:30 am
It seems like there can be a lot going on in a Yoga class; concentration, breathing, bending, twisting, meditating… never mind that Instagram makes it look like you need to be able (or want ) to stand on your hands or put your leg behind your head! At Love|Yoga|Grace it is our mandate to make Yoga approachable & honestly? Kind of easy. The truth is that you don’t need to all of the extremely difficult and bendy things to enjoy the benefits of Yoga; and most of us probably shouldn’t as we risk injury (we’re looking at you Gen X-ers).
This class is designed as an introduction to the practice of yoga. Class is slower paced and focused on learning the basics, taking your time to notice your experience and to connect with your breath. Ultimately, participants will gain strength and flexibility by developing the foundational poses of Yoga.
This class offers slow and mindful movement, is gentle and light. A great start to feel comfortable in any class at the Studio.
Starts Wednesday, January 11, 2023 to February 15, 2023
$94.50 for 6 week series (in Studio)
$47.25 for 6 weeks series (on Zoom)